Tuesday, July 14, 2009

T|A|S|T|E ... the promo.

Its the immortal memory of my life . The story is almost 1 year old now.. I always wanted to share this with all my frnds, tough many already know it.. Sometimes they get to kno or if someone is unlikely to kno then i tell him myself :P .. Coz i feel its an achievement which i will always feel proud about. Yes , im talking about my selection in the National Defense Academy (NDA).

Now in the series which i call TASTE (because its a taste of life which only a very few ppl get a chance to enjoy, n im the lucky one here. ) , I will write " the inside story " of all the happenings during my odyssey. Mind u guys , this is gonna be an uncensored version .. so dont create a "unfair" image of mine if i use some ( or many :P ) "REALISTIC" words.. !

Not many ppl might me interested in reading this , but i hope i find a few religious visitors to this page and I wish they enjoy and 'feel' the essence of it too...

Thank You

P.S. We will be taking off shortly. :)

Wait is over.. !
The story starts :D