Thursday, May 28, 2009


I discovered a new disease recently. You can just find out if u suffer from it as well, but invent the cures by urself and put them in the comments for others to know. I realised that i suffered from it, and i coined a term for it "*GTALKARIA*". If u r a Bitsian brain then surely u have got an hint, if yes, 1st symptom. The mosquito flies on internet from 24 august 2005.. (just to show that i did a bit of research aswell. :P :D) and since then it has stung over 3 million users worldwide... hey, if u very well understood the meaning of those symbols (:P and :D) then i am afraid you show the 2nd symptom, but its just a minor one coz everyone uses these smileys these days.. :D .

If u try to make an "sm" out of everything that happens to you in a day, then u r seriously Effected!! Let me warn you , this is a communicable disease. Me and many more like me took it from other Bitsians. :( .
When u *sign in* , u always see a long list of online ppl but alas half of them love to "colour themselves red" . I dont understand, if u dont wish to chat or got some other imp. work, then why do sign in!!!

The worst symptom i suffer from is that what ever i do, think of, hear of, talk about, i think "hey, this can be a cool sm" ..
and so i keep changing my status msgs quite often like everyone else, just showing a hidden part of my creativity as well. :P . from movie songs to copied statements to cheated status msgs (burman u rock in this part, man!) and sometime original work aswell ;D
Anyways i wish if i m using it (or addicted to it) then it just helps in a way and so for others. :)
It keeps u connected to ur friends and family tough :)